About Us
About Us

Mission Statement
Our Mission is to partner with parents to prepare our students for the future, and inspire in them excellence, self-esteem, and social responsibility for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world.

Our Philosophy
We believe that education should be broad, balanced, and integrated and that it should breed effective acquisition of social, academic, and practical skills in a carefully prepared environment, which fosters the aim for excellence. Our school and daycare programs are built to encourage children to love learning and be caring, socially responsible citizens of their community and the world. We seek to educate the whole child, applying the Montessori philosophy, in a family-oriented environment. The Montessori philosophy is based on the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori whose holistic vision of education focuses on the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical needs of the child. For Dr. Maria Montessori, and at The Britleys – education is preparation for life.

Our Classrooms
We believe in children’s inherent desire to learn. The enticing materials invite hands-on exploration, and children move about the room as they find their best place to work. Real-life lessons provide authentic learning, uninterrupted blocks of work time encourage deep concentration, and the freedom to choose work allows students to own their learning. The children and adults at The Britleys honor kindness, compassion, mutual respect, and peace. Our carefully prepared environment fosters and encourages curiosity, independence, and freedom within limits, and children can guide themselves through this environment, making use of the lessons offered to develop themselves and interacting with the teacher for guidance and support as needed. By encouraging students to develop the independence and skills necessary to be self-sufficient in their classrooms, we prepare them to venture into the biggest classroom of all— life. They leave with a true love of learning, standing on an academic and social foundation that will support them throughout their lives.

Our Teachers
We believe in passionate professionalism at The Britleys and offer great teaching and excellent customer service.
Passion is…highly trained, passionate teachers, supported to do their best in every classroom, every day!
We are very selective in our hiring process. For our classrooms, we actively recruit the best teachers, selecting from those who hold the best-qualified credentials. Most of our teachers have undergone the needed training courses required, as well as the experience that enables them to deliver a classroom experience that is up to our standards. We attract outstanding teachers in the Washington DC area who are passionate about inspiring children.
Call or Visit
- The Britleys School
- 790 Maine Avenue SW, Suite 411B
- Washington, DC 20024
- Business Hours:
- M-F 7am-6pm